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Home > Georgia Water Pollution and Soil Contamination Attorney

Georgia Water Pollution and Soil Contamination Attorney

Water pollution and soil contamination are critical environmental issues that can have far-reaching effects on communities, ecosystems, local businesses, and property values. When bad actors discharge pollutants, such as silt, sediment, and industrial waste, from construction sites, industrial sites, and other developments into Georgia’s waters and soil, they degrade lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks, wetlands, coastal waters, and underground drinking water sources, creating significant property damage as well as hazards to human health.

At Stacey Evans Law, our attorneys include some of the most experienced environmental enforcement attorneys in the Southeastern United States, and we have taken on some of the most high-profile pollution disputes in the nation, from inception through settlement, trial and appeal. We are dedicated to protecting Georgia’s natural resources and the health of its residents by holding polluters accountable. Our firm is known for taking on hard, complex cases and standing up to large corporate entities, putting in the time and effort it takes to prevail. Contact our Atlanta water pollution and soil contamination attorneys today to cease legal violations, pursue justice and compensation in your case.

The Dangers of Water Pollution and Soil Contamination

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances enter bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, streams, and underground aquifers. Soil contamination happens when pollutants degrade the quality of soil, making it hazardous for agriculture, habitation, or other uses. Both issues are often linked to the improper handling of industrial waste, inadequate erosion control at construction sites, and accidental or negligent discharges from development projects. These pollutants can include toxic chemicals, heavy metals, silt, sediment, and petroleum products.

Legal Remedies Under Federal and Georgia State Laws

Various federal and state laws provide avenues for legal action against those responsible for water pollution and soil contamination. At Stacey Evans Law, we leverage these laws to seek justice for our clients and restore the environment in Atlanta and throughout Georgia.

The Clean Water Act (CWA)

The Clean Water Act (CWA) is a cornerstone of environmental law in the United States, aimed at regulating discharges of pollutants into the nation’s waters. Under the CWA, individuals and entities responsible for discharging pollutants into surface waters without a proper permit may be liable for significant penalties and remediation costs. The law covers discharges into lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and other water bodies, making it a powerful tool in cases involving industrial and construction site runoff.

The Resource, Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA)

RCRA is the Federal law governing the handling and disposal hazardous waste and solid waste. Citizens can enforce RCRA to cease and remedy harms arising from hazardous or solid waste treatment, handling, or disposal in a manner that may present an imminent and substantial endangerment to health or the environment, such as the improper dumping of waste that harms a community’s drinking water supply.

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA)

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA) specifically addresses oil spills and their impact on water resources. This federal law requires responsible parties to clean up oil spills and compensate affected parties for damages. If your property or community has been affected by an oil spill, we can pursue claims under the OPA to secure the necessary compensation and remediation.

The Erosion and Sediment Control Act (ESCA)

Georgia’s Erosion and Sediment Control Act (ESCA) is designed to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation that can lead to water pollution. ESCA mandates that construction and development projects implement measures to control soil erosion and prevent sediment from entering Georgia’s water bodies. Non-compliance can result in enforcement actions and penalties and provides a basis for civil claims if your property has been damaged by sediment or erosion caused by negligent development practices.

Georgia Nuisance and Trespass Laws

Georgia’s nuisance and trespass laws offer additional protections against water pollution and soil contamination. Nuisance claims arise when a party’s actions unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of another’s property, while trespass claims involve unauthorized physical intrusion onto the property, such as the spread of pollutants. These laws are particularly effective in cases where water pollution or soil contamination has resulted in property damage or health hazards.

Protecting Georgia’s Waterways and Soil

At Stacey Evans Law, we are committed to holding polluters accountable and ensuring that Georgia’s water and soil remain clean and safe for future generations. Whether your case involves a large industrial spill or a small construction project gone wrong, our experienced attorneys will thoroughly investigate the situation, gather evidence, and pursue the legal remedies available under applicable federal and state laws.
We understand the complex nature of environmental litigation and have a proven record of success in representing individuals, communities, and businesses impacted by water pollution and soil contamination. If you believe that your property or health has been affected by environmental hazards, we encourage you to contact us for a consultation. Let Stacey Evans Law fight for your rights and the protection of Georgia’s precious natural resources.

Contact Us Today

If you are dealing with the consequences of water pollution or soil contamination, don’t hesitate to reach out to Stacey Evans Law. We are here to provide the legal expertise and advocacy you need to seek justice and protect your property. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced environmental litigation attorneys.

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